Archives for posts with tag: Site Maintenance

Oh, no – I still look the same. It’s the site. With the new year comes the first WP template I’ve found for this site that I really, genuinely like (as opposed to just ‘tolerate’). All normal features have been restored, save for the Dopplr badge (it doesn’t seem to want to play well with the stylesheet). The next task is to add… um… what’s that thing, that people consume online… OH! New content! I need to get around to adding new content. Soon, I promise.

What I’m getting at, I’m suppose, is that I’m not quite dead. I’ve just been…well, busy is something of an understatement. I know, I know – I use that excuse a lot, and it starts to lose all meaning after a while, but ‘struth.

I should explain. I’ve been working an average of 9.5 hours a day lately. And when I say ‘lately’, I mean for the last couple of months, until this weekend. This weekend, I’ve been working an average of 15 hours a day. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say – quite the contrary, in fact – it’s just that by the time I get the opportunity to write, all I really want to do is turn my brain off.

I’m hoping to correct this behavior in short order. While I have quite a bit of travel coming up over the next 60 days (as evidenced by the Dopplr widget in the sidebar), my schedule should be a bit more open, allowing for more creative output. I’m also going to start thinking about giving the site another facelift – Qwilm! works well as a stopgap theme, but I’ve never been 100% happy with it. (I don’t know that I’ll ever be entirely happy with an existing theme, but I don’t have the ‘mad skillz’ to code my own.)

I also have a number of half-started projects to finish, not least of which is the editing and posting of the balance of my SXSW photos. (No, I’m not kidding.) But all in due time.