Here’s a quick update prior to (finally) going to bed:
- Unlike last year, there was no airline drama to speak of. Aside from a bit of a delay prior to take-off (which I didn’t really notice, mostly because I was asleep), everything went smoothly.
- Also unlike last year, I decided to get my badge today. The line was insane, but it moved quickly. I was also able to take in the majority of MJ’s “How to Rawk SXSW” panel before heading off Buffalo Billiards.
- Break Bread with Brad was fun, but insane. It was nice to see some familiar faces who were absent last year, although the turnout was staggering. Someone told me that the interactive registration numbers doubled again this year, which should make for some interesting panel sessions.
- The karaoke event went well – and yes, I sang (alone, Tom Petty’s “Breakdown”, Frank Sinatra’s “The Lady is A Tramp”, and Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”; with others, TMBG’s “Don’t Let’s Start” and “Ana Ng”, The Beastie Boys’ “Brass Monkey”, and Sugar Hill Gang’s “Rapper’s Paradise”). Two things were apparent by the end of the evening: that if you’re going to attempt a song that needs to be sung in all-falsetto, do it early in the evening, and I should never, ever attempt to rap. (As a side note, if/when we try this again next year, Bryan and I will try to find a downtown location – I think a lot of folks who heard the announcement at BBwB opted-out of attending when they realized that we were a $10 cab ride away from the other parties.) Update: Kevin Lawver has video of Kevin Smokler and David Dylan Thomas doing a face-melting version of “Under Pressure”.
- Twitter is your friend. Just make sure you have a compatible text messaging plan, otherwise you’re going to have some problems at the end of the month.
That’s all for right now. I’m off to bed once I’ve figured out which 10AM panel I’m going to tomorrow. Also, I’m really beary-eyed, and I don’t know how coherent this post really looks. So it’s probably time to call it a night.