Late last week, I posted the list of things I needed/wanted/probably should do before I leave for SXSW on Friday. Let’s see how I’m doing:
Dentist– done. No cavities, nothing unusual on the x-rays. In other words, no news is good news.Supermarket– done. Although a side-trip to Target to get some socks ended in disappointment. (Damn my giant feet.)- Laundry – in progress. And I’ll probably still be doing laundry on Thursday. What can I say? I like my clothes clean.
- Haircut – tomorrow night at 7. I’m not planning to come to Austin bald or anything…just a trim.
Check with Continental– done. Not only that, but I got my OnePass Elite status sorted out too. (Squeaky wheel = grease.)- Get some damn sleep – trying. Really, I’m trying.
- Tie up loose ends at work – ongoing, but losing ground. I’m not where I wanted to be by the end of Tuesday. (Especially since I’m trying to finagle things so I can take a half-day on Thursday.) Mainly, I’m plagued by committee issues – the committee this week in Sacramento is all set, but next week’s committee still needs to be nailed down.
Maybe buy the FastMac 62wh battery– decided against it. The battery has gotten some good reviews, and it’s less expensive than the genuine Apple battery, but even with the extra 2wh, I’d still need to plug in at the ACC at some point during the day. Instead, keeping with the battery theme, I sprung for a set of eneloop rechargable AA batteries for my camera. They’re still NiMH, but they use some new technology to prevent the batteries from discharging when not in use. (They also ship pre-charged, so…bonus.)- Hit Franks Big & Tall for new threads – Thursday, hopefully. But I did order some new causal Dunham slip-ons, just in time for Austin. (I hope. I had to spring for overnight shipping.)
Make karaoke happen– it’s on like Donkey Kong. Opal Divine’s Penn Field, Friday at 9:30PM – check the Upcoming listing for more details.- Find a new book – tomorrow, maybe. I’ve got a Borders gift card burning a hole in my pocket, and I’m itching to use it, but I’ve still got a decent chunk of An Empire of their Own left, so I’m debating. (I thought about bringing the gift card with me to use at the SXSW bookstore, but alas, it’s been taken over by the Giant Corporate Overlord this year.)
Looking everything over, I guess I’m not doing too badly. Friday can’t be here soon enough!