Current Location: New Orleans LA
Mileage: approx. 380
States Traveled: TN, MS, LA
As you can tell from the timestamp, today was another long day. So it’s just highlights for now. (Incidentally, Darren and I have shot over 200 photos in the last 6 days – as soon as I have a chance to import them from the camera, I’ll throw them on on the web.)
-Graceland. The house that Elvis bought for $100K when he was 22, and is now a worldwide tourist destination. I was very impressed with the fact that while the “visitors center” (the area from which the shuttle busses run up to the actual mansion across the street) had the requisite gift shops, Elvis’ memory is treated with extreme reverence in the mansion exhibits. The house is largely unchanged from how it looked when Elvis passed on – yes, folks, the TV room is real – and all of Elvis’ gold & platinum records and awards are on display (which, incidentally, requires a room the size of a raquetball court, and then some). (Today’s factoid: Elvis was an extremely generous man – he gave to damn near every charity in the Memphis area, and frequently gave cash and other assistance to GIs who had hit hard times, or just needed a hand.) Also on display – Elvis’ many cars, and his two personal planes.
-Driving. Driving. Driving. There was a lot of it today. We killed the time by taking EW’s 90’s pop culture quiz. Needless to say, we both did quite well. (Mental note: wash truck on arrival in DFW to get dead bugs off front grille.)
-Dinner in the French Quarter. Remember that stuff I said last night about how I loved the vibe on Beale St. in Memphis? Well, Bourbon Street in New Orleans is the photo negative. It’s very loud, very in-your-face, and SUPER crowded. Not to mention the fact that EVERYONE has booze. It’s like M-Street from Syracuse turned up to 11. I didn’t like it. Fortunately, some quick browsing of our guidebooks lead us to a small neighborhood cafe called Quarter Scene – I had jambalaya for the first time tonight…liked it quite a bit. Also, it turns out that Tennessee Williams used to frequent the Quarter Scene – his regular table was not too far from where we were seated. Unfortunately my initial impression of New Orleans was not a good one – but I’m sure tomorrow’s activities will change my mind.