I’m still alive (no, really), and believe it or not, this isn’t the web equivalent of an abandoned storefront. I’ve been taking something of a ‘blogging vacation’ over the last few weeks – prompted mostly by a lack of creative spark, itself prompted by too many hours at work. I’ll provide a full update in a day or so, but in the meantime…
It should be pretty obvious to anyone who checks in on a regular basis (or, at least, anyone who isn’t using an RSS reader) that I’ve switched from MT to WordPress, so things look a little different than they used to. I’ve only started tweaking things here, so expect constant change for the near-term. (I’ve been told that change is a good thing.) In the interim, if you see anything amiss, please let me know.
(Oh, and for those of you who ARE using RSS readers, I suspect the feed address has changed – links are in the sidebar.)