So, it’s Xmas again. And here I am, alone. Again. But it’s OK. I’m used to it by now.
To mark time celebrate the season, here are some Christmas-related links:
- From TV Squad, here’s what happens when you aim the cast of Scrubs at a classic – “My Charlie Brown Christmas”.
- In case the soundtrack for your Christmas party consists only of that dog-barking-‘Jingle Bells’ track, here’s some help – 209 Tracks to Take With You on a Holiday Killing Spree, Part 1, courtesy of Clayton Counts.
- From this very site, a few years ago, here’s grainy cameraphone video of Villa Maria Pizzaria’s Santa who likes to…um…please himself (requires QuickTime).
- Lastly, some more holiday musicality – from the 12/4 episode of Studio 60, the version of “O Holy Night” as performed by displaced musicians from New Orleans; from South Park, Cartman singing “O Holy Night”, under threat of cattle prod; and two holiday anthems for our time, courtesy of MST3K: “(Let’s Have) A Patrick Swayze Christmas”, and “Merry Christmas…If That’s OK”.
So to all my goyim friends, and to those lapsed Jews celebrating too…Merry Christmas.
Addendum: Lest I forget, here’s one of the few funny things to come out of SNL in recent years, the Digital Short sweeping the nation…yes, sports fans…it’s “D**k in a Box” (uncensored and VERY NSFW).
“And here I am, alone. Again. But it’s OK. I’m used to it by now.”
In all fairness….you are a Jew. 🙂
Hey, if I’m circumcised, does that at least qualify me for honorary Jew? What if you’re adopted and only know half of your natural lineage? No one can prove I’m *not* Jewish!