Pro: Knowing that you can run the dishwasher whenever you like, not just when it’s full.
Con: Knowing that there’s no one else around to empty the dishwasher.
Pro: Knowing that you can run the dishwasher whenever you like, not just when it’s full.
Con: Knowing that there’s no one else around to empty the dishwasher.
Yeah, but then when you live with someone, you don’t empty the dishwasher figuring that they will, but then they don’t, and then the dishwasher isn’t emptied for days and the dishes pile up in the sink and it becomes a battle of wills to see who will deal with it first and meanwhile the fancy balancing acts in the sink are causing some pretty Frank Lloyd Wright-esque structures to be built. Overall, dishes suck either way.
And don’t even get me started on laundry…. 😛
i actually don’t mind emptying the dishwasher… that’s not bad at all. folding/hanging up laundry, that’s a while other story. and cleaning…. like dusting, wish there was someone to do that! 🙂